Coffeecup Editor For Mac

Coffeecup Editor For Mac

  1. Coffeecup Software
  2. Coffeecup Free Html
  3. Coffeecup Html Editor For Windows

Coffeecup Software

Coffeecup editor for mac shortcut

Welcome to CoffeeCup Software We created the first HTML Editor in 1996 and have been creating dozens of cool apps ever since. Our latest mission is to make a series of apps that allow for front-end designers and website owners to visually design cool responsive sites & newsletters.

Coffeecup Editor For MacEditor

Coffeecup Free Html

Coffeecup Editor For Mac

Coffeecup Html Editor For Windows

Hey guys, since starting the other MAC thread which was absolutely overwhelming, we now know CC has been listening. Scott has kept his word and CC is now committed to giving us what we requested. Personally I want to thank Scott for engaging this subject and taking it on. It would have been so easy to simply ignore the MAC thread, but the CC team stepped up to meet the challenge.
So, I think this thread should be used strictly for ideas, suggestions and a general wish-list of what we would like to see regarding the coming MAC versions. Which program would you like see first? and what would you like it to do? We all ranted and complained on the other MAC thread - LOL LOL LOL ... but let's take this to the next level and really be apart of the development.
Thanks again CC team. My dreams are no longer, they are actually going to be a reality!!!!
Lastly, let me be the first to make a suggestion: I believe the first piece of software that should be converted is the 'Web Form' software.
All the best
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  • CoffeeCup Software Since 1996 CoffeeCup has been creating hot brew and cool tools and making them available on the Web to download. CoffeeCup's first program was the CoffeeCup HTML Editor.